Total Supply Breakdown

Complete breakdown of supply structure.


This page contains a fully described and fully transparent overview of the breakdown of total supply, including the number of tokens allocated, the reason why they are allocated, how we will keep security, trust and integrity at high standards, and the total percentage allocated. The curious investor is welcomed to read through the breakdown at ease

Why is this important?

With this supply structure, we are on-track to achieve our goals. We launch with a market capitalsation of $1,000,000 and when we 100x and reach $1, we sit at a market capitalisation of $100,000,000.

Most of us have been scammed by rug-pulls and bad projects. Even during launch of this project, there was another fake/scam BabySafeMoon project who robbed investors from 700 BNB. This is absolutely despicable. Together with our astronauts (the community/investors), our advisors and the whole team, we will change the way cryptocurrencies operate. No more rug-pulls and bad-projects. We will bring full transparency, trust and integrity to the cryptocurrency world with healthy financial plans for fruitful projects.. ..because the cryptocurrency world needs more trust and integrity. Doing so, together, we will make history.

Total Supply Overview

Supply Allocation



Pre-sale Supply



PancakeSwap Starting Liquidity



Project Supply



Community Expansion Supply



Community Nominated Good-Causes



Goodwill, Original SafeMoon Development Team



PancakeSwap Liquidity Backup



BabySafeMoon Supporters



Supply Buffer



One-year Lock






Pre-sale Supply (12%)

12% of all tokens we're allocated for investors that participated in the successful pre-sale.

Why 12%? 1 BNB is 30,000 tokens. 400 x 30000 is 12,000,000 tokens.

Total supply allocated to Pre-sale Supply: 12,000,000 tokens (12%)

PancakeSwap Starting Liquidity (7.56%)

In order to supply trading and as per basic/recommended PancakeSwap standards; from the achieved hard-cap during pre-sale 7,560,000 tokens (400 BNB x 70% x 27,000) were transferred to PancakeSwap

Why 7.56%? (400 x 70%) x 27,000 = 7,560,000 tokens

Total allocated to PancakeSwap Starting Liquidity: 7,560,000 tokens (7.56%)

Project Supply (16%)

A total of 16% of total supply was allocated for the development and sustainability of the BabySafeMoon project



Percentage of Total Supply

Development Wallet



Marketing Wallet



Giveaway Wallet



Team Split






Why 16%? To sustain the project as long as we can, we store 4% in each of the above wallets that we will exclusively use for the purposes mentioned above. We will strive to hire and bring on the team additional team members, inflluencers, etc. and primarily pay them in BSFM tokens such that the incentive maintains to support and further develop the token. The team split will be divided amongst 8 core members that continuously contributed on a day to day basis to the success of the token. This is important to maintain incentive and motivation to grow the project.

Total allocated to project supply: 20,000,000 tokens (20%)

Community Expansion Supply (20%)

To further develop the project and expand our reach to exchanges and more investors, 20% of the total supply is allocated towards Community Expansion.

To finalise decisions and transactions, as we are a community-driven project, we decided to fully engage the community by assigning a representative, selected and voted on by the community, to represent the community in auditing and assuring transparency in making transactions.

Requirements to complete a transaction through multi-signature (Gnosis):

1. Main Community Representative (selected from community and voted on by community).

2. Main BabySafeMoon Representative. 3. Main iBNB/nBNB Representative.

The below 4 wallets may only execute transactions with the above mentioned 3 signatures:



Percentage of Total Supply

Exchange #1 Liquidity (BitMart)



Exchange #2 Liquidity (



Exchange #3 Liquidity (TBA)



Community Wallet






Why 20%? The above mentioned split are solely directed towards liquidity for trading on new exchanges. This provides for attainable goals with reserved allocation for that specific purpose. Funds can only be unlocked using signatures from all three parties mentioned above. The community wallet will provide the community with the possibility of their own initiatives for as long as the project stays alive.

Total allocated to project supply: 20,000,000 tokens (20%)

Community Nominated Good-Causes (12%)

12% is sent to 12 locked good-cause wallets. Every month (starting from the anniversary next month), 1 wallet unlocks, and the amount will go to a good-cause of the community’s choice. Proposals will be made by the team and the community, and voted on by the community.

Example of good causes:

  • Supporting small businesses.

  • Start a solidity school.

  • Change lives for the better.

  • Supporting countries with weak currency.

Once the proposal has been sent out, we will assure that there is time to vote on the initiative by the community. Following this, the BabySafeMoon team will use their best efforts to assure that the activities are conducted well and reported back to the community.

Why 12%? 12% will allow the project to nominate good-causes for an entire year until further supply is unlocked and future plans may be achieved. 1% per month is a healthy amount to make a positive impact.

Total supply allocated to Community Nominated Good-Causes: 12,000,000 tokens (12%)

Original SafeMoon Development Team (2%)

Thanks to SafeMoon, as the name also mention, BabySafeMoon also exists. We appreciate the SafeMoon team for innovating and introducing the cryptocurrency scene with a new way of conducting tokenomics. Most of us have good memories from those times, many of our current team actually met each other in a SafeMoon voice chat, so we decided to give back.

2% of supply will be transferred to a SafeMoon wallet as sign of goodwill to the Orginal SafeMoon Development Team, for the sake of security, transparency, community trust and integrity, any transaction made from that wallet needs to be signed by 4 representatives:

Requirements to complete a transaction through multi-signature (Gnosis): 1. The BSFM Representative.

2. The SFM Representative.

3. The Community Representative.

4. The nBNB Representative.

To reiterate, this is done to assure that all transactions are trusted and made in full transparency with the community and that everyone will conduct transactions in the best interest of the sustainability, health and growth of the project.

Why 2%? We believe that 2% is a fair amount to provide as goodwill to the Original SafeMoon Development Team. The development team may communicate with us and the community to split it and make respective transactions. At $100,000,000 market capitalisation, this will be worth $2,000,000

Total supply allocated to Original SafeMoon Development Team Wallet: 2,000,000 tokens (2%)

PancakeSwap Liquidity Backup (6.44%)

About 7.5% of the total supply is sent to PancakeSwap to supply liquidity for trading BSFM. To assure that trading will continue successfully for all current and new investors, we will transfer 7% to a wallet which can only be made transactions from by 3 signatures:

Requirements to complete a transaction through multi-signature (Gnosis): 1. The BSFM representative.

2. The community representative.

3. The nBNB representative.

Why 6.44%? This amount of liquidity will allow for a healthy backup amount (almost double of initial amount) of liquidity for PancakeSwap such that the project and the investors do not fall into the risk of not being able to trade for any reason.

Total supply allocated to PancakeSwap Liquidity Backup: 7,000,000 tokens (7%)

BabySafeMoon Supporters (3%)

Throughout this journey, we have received continuous support from community leaders, moderators, and key figures in the crypto-scene, which has turned BabySafeMoon into what it is today.

As a token of our appreciation, we will reward these BabySafeMoon supporters from 1% of the total supply for their hard-work and dedication towards the community, the vision, and the project.

Why 3%? Because they deserve it.

3,000,000 tokens will be split and handed out to our most beloved BabySafeMoon supporters

Supply Buffer (1%)

The future is bright, and the future has yet to be explore possibilities. To assure that we have everything covered, we will have 2% of total supply allocated in a multi-signature wallet which we will exclusively use, in communication with the community, for unforseen events.

Why 1%? 1% is a good amount of supply that we will leave untouched unless absolutely necessary as healthy buffer for the project.

Total supply allocated to Healthy Supply Buffer: 1,000,000 tokens (1%)

One-year lock (20%)

The remaining 20% of supply will be locked for 1 year. At that point, together with the community, we can decide what to do with the remaining supply.

In addition to the locked liquidity, we could kick-off a new phase of the project, or who knows, maybe we will need that extra liquidity to list on Binance, or fund a real rocketship to the moon. 🚀

Why 20%? As everything has been covered well and secured, we believe it is the right thing to do to lock the remaining funds until the basic liquidity is unlocked. Using this supply one year from now, will allow for fresh new possibilities.

Total supply allocated to One-year lock: 20,000,000 tokens (20%)

Last updated

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